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Support & Downloads

Here you'll find support resources for your Brother product. If you have an older Brother product that isn't listed below, then please try our global support website here. If you still can't find a solution then our Customer Care Technical Experts are ready to answer your product related queries.

Find Your Device
Select your device category to help find your support
Step 1 of 2: Select your product type
Step 2 of 2: Choose your device model
Step 1 of 2: Select your product type
Step 2 of 2: Choose your device model
Step 1 of 2: Select your product type
Step 2 of 2: Choose your device model
Step 1 of 2: Select your product type
Step 2 of 2: Choose your device model
Step 1 of 2: Select your product type
Step 2 of 2: Choose your device model
Step 1 of 2: Select your product type
Step 2 of 2: Choose your device model
Already Know Your Device Model?
Enter your model number below to search

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chat with technical support

Chat with Customer Care Team

Our chatbot is currently undergoing improvements to better support you. While it's temporarily offline, please email us and our team will be happy to assist you.
Our chatbot is currently undergoing improvements to better support you. While it's temporarily offline, please email us and our team will be happy to assist you.
email technical support

Email Customer Care Team

Simply submit your technical support enquiry by sending email
Simply submit your technical support enquiry by sending email

Register your Product

Create an account and register your Brother product to unlock support, updates, and exclusive offers, plus tips for maximising its use and news on our latest technology.

brother product range - register your product